Monday, February 17, 2014

Fandom of the Week

As some of you may have noticed, there is now a poll to the left of the screen! Starting today, I will randomly draw a popular fandom (contact me if you would like one added) at the beginning of every week. With this drawing, I will create a poll on the right side of the screen relating to that fandom. At the end of the week I will make one master post about that fandom and the results of the weekly poll. (The next week the previously chosen fandom will be removed from the drawing to prevent a repeat but will be added again for the following week's drawing.) So, vote for the polls and comment all about everything! Go fandom crazy! Hope you guys like this idea! :)


  1. The first FOTW (Fandom of the Week) is The Fault in our Stars! You can take the special TFIOS poll at right!

  2. I think I might add a poll to my blog but I don't know what I want it to be about...
