Saturday, February 1, 2014

Let's cry: Ann and Chris

If you don't watch Parks and Recreation... you should. I absolutely love this show and adore the characters. While it is a comedy and I laugh way too hard, it has it's sweet moments. This past Thursday's episode, Ann and Chris, was pretty much just a compilation of sad and sweet moments. Ann and Chris are literally (*crying*) two of my favorite characters! Sadly, very very very sadly, we said goodbye to them infinitely during season 6 episode 13. That was this past Thursday and I am still recovering. IT'S NOT EVEN A FANDOM OR A BOOK! There were three reasons I was upset about it and I will now tell you why.

1. Leslie

Leslie is always peppy and it made me sad seeing her sad. I mean honestly, if you were saying goodbye to your best friend who you see every single day and wouldn't see them for who knows how long, wouldn't you be really really sad.

2. The party

The party was one of the sweetest things in the whole episode. It just was. It made me happy and sad. I don't know how to describe it.

3. April

Chris telling April that he was proud of her and her knowing it. April muttering "I love you too" to Ann. I was so done.

4. The box

The box Chris was given by the boys was so cool and they tried to make it funny but I couldn't deal.

5. When Ron said goodbye

Must I say more?

6. The final goodbye

 Ben and Chris saying they were the best friends each of them could have ever had. Leslie and Ann saying they loved each other and both crying as they said goodbye.

7. Ann and Chris

The overall episode. The two of them leaving. Everything that happened. And the fact we don't get to see the baby, know if Leslie and Ben are the godparents, and a possible Chris and Ann wedding in the future.

So, overall it was literally a night full of emotions for Parks and Rec fans. All of the above things managed to upset me and I'm assuming they upset other people too. I really want to know if people who watched this were okay with the Ann and Chris send off. Let me know!

P.S. I know I said three reasons... there were just too many feelings.

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