Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Let's talk (or sob): TFIOS

Okay? Okay. 

So when I got this book I didn't read it for a couple of weeks. Then one night I decided to start reading it at about 11 something right before I was going to bed. Or so I thought. I was up until 4 finishing the book. While I didn't cry, (I know I should have! Don't hate me!) I was very upset and emotional about the whole ending of the book. Why John Green? WHY?! So... I still liked it... A LOT. "I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly, and then all at once." That quote pretty much sums up my feelings about the book. 
I was very excited about the movie and most of the cast and I thought it would be made very well. Then, the poster came out. I don't want to mention the dreaded poster but I must. I liked the poster and thought it was simple but nice and then it happened. I don't know if it was anger or pain or what but something overcame me.

"One sick love story."

I was speechless. I literally had no idea what to say. Did the people think this was a joke?! This story is about sadness, death, disease, and everything that comes along with it. The tagline was their chance to express this but instead, they made it a joke. It was twisted and very upsetting. IT WAS NOT OKAY. So after my anger had subsided, I began to think about the movie. If the movie company came up with a tagline like this, how was the movie going to be?! I was starting to lose hope.

Until today.

The trailer was released and I was going to hold out and not watch it but let's face it. The second I turned my laptop on, I watched it. It wasn't the best trailer ever but it was still amazing. I loved hearing some of the quotes and seeing some of my favorite scenes. The trailer highlighted the happiness that is found between Gus and Hazel but also gave a feeling of overall sorrow. Honestly, I liked this. It restored my faith in the movie being a very good movie. In fact, I was okay with the whole TFIOS situation until Hazel Grace Lancaster said it. She said the one little word that can bring hundreds thousands of people to tears. "Okay." I had a slight fanboy attack and at that point was almost crying. I held it in though, because I knew once it started it wouldn't stop. So, as a summary, love the book, hate the tagline, really like the trailer. So let me hear your thoughts on TFIOS. What are other people thinking? I know that June seems very far away now and I both dread and can't wait for the 6th. Okay.

If you haven't seen the trailer, you can find it here:
TFIOS official trailer

Oh and lastly, I made this when the trailer was finished. This is pretty much what happened:

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