Saturday, January 25, 2014

Let's just agree: It's not called Great Britain for nothing!

Ok. Can we all admit that everything is better when it's British? I mean c'mon! They start so many fandoms and Harry Potter is just a universe of itself, and then there's TV! They have some of the most popular shows! Sherlock, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, just to name a few. Also, the actors and actresses are always amazing! Lastly, have you tried their food? It's really good. Even their Starbucks drinks are better. So, yeah I guess this post doesn't have much meaning, I just want to prove that the feeling is mutual. British things are awesome and many peoples (especially fanboys and fangirls) favorites.


  1. Wait, wait, wait, hold up. You've had British Starbucks? Lucky! I love Starbucks!
